Face masks you can make at home

How to make face masks at home (Photo: iStock)

With discussions around clean living and chemical-free beauty products, homemade skincare is slowly becoming a solution that is being embraced.

What people love most about homemade skincare is the fact that some of these natural beauty secrets have worked for generations, and it also feels safer knowing that you're not dumping toxic chemicals on your skin.

One of the most popular at-home beauty solutions is face masks. There are literally so many combinations you can come up with to treat problems like hyperpigmentation, scar healing, or even for your normal everyday skin care needs.

This list shows you some simple and effective masks you can make with ingredients you probably already have. So let the creative juices flow!

  • Green tea mask

Green tea has been infused in an infinite number of skin care products. It has earned its respect because it has benefits such as acne treatment, premature ageing prevention and bacteria-fighting properties.

At home, you can prepare your own mask by brewing a cup using two or three green tea bags to extract the nutrients. Once it comes to a boil, let the bag steep for 30 minutes and as it cools break the bag and collect the leaves in a bowl.

To make it more effective, add a tablespoon of honey and apply it on a clean face. Give it about 15 minutes to kick in before rinsing out.

  • Aloe Vera gel mask

Aloe Vera gel is a great solution if you’re dealing with issues like dry skin. It’s also very effective in evening out areas with scars.

For this simple mask, all you need is some aloe Vera gel which you can easily purchase and raw honey. Once you have your items, mix equal parts of both ingredients then apply on your skin, leaving it for 15 to 30 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

  • Yeast mask

Applying yeast to your face might sound a little strange but it works for exfoliation and pore minimizing when mixed with milk. To achieve that you will need one tablespoon of yeast and milk.

First, warm some milk then mix it into a bowl with yeast until you get a runny consistency. After you have combined it well, apply it on your face and wait for around 20 minutes for it to dry. As you wash it off, start to rub your face in circular motions to gently exfoliate.

  • Banana face mask

This banana face mask might just be one of your go-to remedies for hyperpigmentation. With its potassium, vitamin A, B-6 and C content, your skin will start to look brighter and more rejuvenated.

For this mask, blend half a banana with the peel, for added benefits. Next, mix in a quarter teaspoon of turmeric and some raw honey then apply a thin layer of the mixture. Leave it on for 10 minutes then rinse.

  • Cucumber mask

This is a mask that will have overall benefits for your face but especially the under-eye area. It helps to deal with irritation, dryness and puffiness.

Peel a small piece of cucumber and blend it into a paste. For added benefits mix in some rose water. Apply under the eyes and if you’re feeling adventurous generously spread it across your whole face. Leave it on for 20 minutes until dry then rinse off or leave it overnight for maximum effects.


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